Oxygen is the 8th element of the periodic table. It is a gas. It is the 3rd most abundant element in our universe. It is 2/3rds the mass of the human body, and 9/10ths the mass of water. Oxygen is breathed by all living things. One other major use is for welding and cutting tools.
Sulfur is the 16th element of the periodic table. It is one of the few elements found pure in nature. It is the 10th most abundant element in the universe. Most sulfur is used to make sulfuric acid for lead batteries. It also makes fertilizers and is useful in other industries. It is also the reason for acid rain.
Selenium is the 34th element of the periodic table. Because its conductivity relies on how much light shines on it, it is used to make light sensitive devices like switches, electric eyes, and light sensors for cameras. It is also used in solar panels because it can produce its own electricity in sunlight.
Tellurium is the 52nd element of the periodic table. It is found free in nature. It is used to color glass. One of its major uses is in blasting caps for dynamite. One use is to mix with other metals to make them easier to manipulate.
Polonium is the 84th element of the periodic table. It is being researched that it can be used as a small heat source. It is used to remove static electricity in machines that roll material such as paper or sheet metal. It is also used to clean photo paper.